Friendship-Bond for life

These are just seven letters,but have you ever thought what does it actually means???
Well I have a better answer, if you wanna think about it.
If you arrange all this in a sentence, then you will find a great meaning in it, i.e. a person with a good heart, who understand your feelings without asking the same, a person who is faithful & reliable enough that you can share anything with them,a person who supports you at the time when you need them the most, a person who is nice enough that they can make your problems of their own & provides you the best way to tackle & resolve them out.
We never admire who is a true friend. Actually their is nothing a word like true friend, as these days we are surrounded by so many people due to which we get confused whom to rely upon. But trust me it is our heart who always gives the best guidance about your loved ones. So, if you ever get confused about these pathetic thoughts, just ask your heart what does it says?
This topic has an another outlook too. As we all know everybody has lots of friends, and all of them have their own different perspective & look out. Everyone has their own way to support you. Some supports mentally, while some supports physically or financially.
All in all their is one thing that is clear if you have friends & you want them forever in life, then never forget to make them feel your presence in their life, as sometimes a single misunderstanding due to distance gap can ruin your entire friendship.
Friends are a true gift of god to us, so never loose them, always try to take initiative to make them feel that they actually matter to you. As it is rightly said that friend is a family that you make by your own behaviour. So try to be truthful to them & yourself too, as a person who is not truthful to himself cannot be truthful to others.


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